October Meeting: 2013-10-10

Just a reminder that Thursday the 10th will soon be upon us and it will be time for the next OCBUG meeting.


  • FreeBSD 9.2 is out. Anyone planning to update?
  • VirtualBox on FreeBSD status
  • Useful photo management software on FreeBSD. Anyone have a recommendation?IMG_2931 IMG_2932 IMG_2936

July Meeting Follow-Up

For those interested in more information on the topics from the meeting, here you go:

Raspberry Pi as a FM transmitter:

Belkin WeMo hacking (not BSD based, but might be possible):

We did not get into the TTL to serial devices, however the link for the USB one from ADAfruit is:

You can also get the converter as a small board that goes to a serial port for those looking for a serial port solution. I picked up a few from ebay.

We also has a discussion on CNC CAM and how one would go about doing it with BSD vs. the existing tools for Linux. This doesn’t seem to be a hot topic in the BSD world, but then again, last night was the first time anyone brought it up in my presence and I have not looked into it yet.

Also, as a fun item, we have a SVG image available mocking devices that do not support IPv6

No September Meeting

This is just a reminder to the regulars that there will be no September meeting due to the number of people who will not be able to attend. We will continue on in October. A post to the mailing list will follow.

Old posts from the Dupal site have finally been added




I’ve finally added the old material from the previous incarnation of the site. It’s one of those tasks you hate doing, as it’s fraught with opportunity for error and really messing up the site. I was looking at a post somewhere else on migrating a Drupal 6 site to WordPress 2 and thought there was a way to do the work, install a fairly old WordPress on a different machine, grab the old backup I made before the migration and upgrade that to Drupal 6 and follow the procedure and then upgrade the WordPress install. It worked, or at least as well as could be expected. I did lose the authors of a couple of posts, and I need to go back and see if they re-registered with the site so I can change them back. At present all old posts are authored by ocuug.

If anyone is interested in the process of doing something like this, the instructions I followed are at the Social CMS Buzz site.

Of course, now that I’ve done this site, I have a different site to address that has info from multiple CMS engines to import. At the very least, it will make an interesting discussion topic for a future meeting. I also noticed, far too late to stop the flood, that the automated announce a post on twitter was enabled when I imported the old data and as a result, a large series of tweets went out. Yet another item to add to the how to migrate items checklist. At least I don’t have that turned on yet at the other site.

February Meeting

Just a reminder that we will be having our monthly meeting on Thursday, February 9. This will be in our usual location. Check the Meeting Information link at the top for location details.

For those who may not have noticed, FreeBSD 9.0 is out. I should have posted that last month, but did not. For more details, visit http://www.freebsd.org/releases/9.0R/announce.html

We also have a twitter account, so I’ll be attempting to tweet on there as well. Hopefully the integration works and we have this post tweeted as well. If not, I need to spend more time looking at the plugin documentation.

FreeBSD News

Enhanced commit privileges: Kevin Bowling (src) [...]

Enhanced commit privileges: Mateusz Piotrowski (src) [...]

Release Information page. [...]

The third Release Candidate build for the FreeBSD 13.4 release cycle is now available. ISO images for the amd64, i386, powerpc, powerpc64, powerpc64le, powerpcspe, armv6, armv7, aarch64, and riscv64 architectures are FreeBSD mirror sites. [...]

The second Release Candidate build for the FreeBSD 13.4 release cycle is now available. ISO images for the amd64, i386, powerpc, powerpc64, powerpc64le, powerpcspe, armv6, armv7, aarch64, and riscv64 architectures are FreeBSD mirror sites. [...]