In-person meeting: 2022-11-16 @ 19:30 – 21:00 – The Royal Oak on Wellington

Rare in-person meeting sighted: 2022-11-16 @ 19:30 – 21:00


This coming Wednesday (November 16) from 7:30-9:00pm works best for the most people for an in-person OCBUG meetup.


The Royal Oak on Wellington


  • Centrally located
  • Big tables
  • Not concerned about loud conversation
  • They have a large alcoholic and non-alcoholic) drink selection
  • Good food, vegetarian/vegan options
  • They are on a bus route
  • They are welcoming of cyclists and bicycles being parked out front
  • They have convenient street parking


Too numerous to select from. Bring your pet topic and prepare to discuss.


Seems we had a broken mailing list

I was recently informed that our mailing list was broken. After investigation, I discovered that when I migrated the website back to a Canadian provider in late February 2020, I had not migrated the mailing list before we had the COVID lockdown and it never got completed. That has been corrected for those interested. I’ll post to the list to verify, but it should be live now.

…so of course we don’t

Naturally, once I show an interest in getting meetings back on track, we end up under COVID-19 restrictions. Perhaps once everybody has been vaccinated and places are open for indoor dining. we can have an in-person meeting. Somehow I don’t expect that to happen for at least 6 months, if then.

I’ll probably convert this to a static site over the next few months, as I’m no longer interested in keeping WordPress updated either. The layout will probably change as a result, but you never know, maybe I’ll make an attempt at porting the theme as well. Web  design was never my main thing but I could learn something new from the exercise.

Still Alive

It has been very quiet on here for the past year and a half, but the site is still live. I recently repatriated it to Canada from a hosting service in the U.S. as I am no longer providing hosting services for clients of my consulting company. That probably will not last much longer either, as I have discovered that since I have converted to a employee from doing contract work, I am no longer willing to give up evenings and weekends any more to take care of client issues.

Of course, this also means that my distraction level has gone down a lot and I’m much more likely to coordinate meetings again. The traditional second Thursday night is still an available night, so a meeting in April would be a good time to attempt CPR on the group. Once the mailing list is active again, I’ll post to it and see if there is still any desire to meet.

BSDCan 2018 has just passed…

and our thoughts turn to maybe we should have a meeting.

I was talking to Diane at the conference and perhaps we should make this a more technical event rather than social. I’m not sure where we should start, but the fine people at the BSD Foundation passed me an InstallFest kit, so the first meeting of the soon to be revised and resurrected group woould be to install FreeBSD on either an appropriate device or at least a VM running on your laptop.

I’m thinking July, and we may wish to have a different night rather than the second Thursday. I’ll post to the mailing list. This will also require us to use a different venue, so depending on the number of people who will be attending, that will make a difference in where we go. I can book a meeting room that can handle about 10 people, so if we get that many, I’ll be pleasantly surprised. I’ll also have some 25th anniversary stickers from the FreeBSD Foundation to hand out as well.

FreeBSD News

The second BETA build for the FreeBSD 13.5 release cycle is now available. ISO images for the amd64, i386, powerpc, powerpc64, powerpc64le, powerpcspe, armv6, armv7, aarch64, and riscv64 architectures are FreeBSD mirror sites. [...]

The first BETA build for the FreeBSD 13.5 release cycle is now available. ISO images for the amd64, i386, powerpc, powerpc64, powerpc64le, powerpcspe, armv6, armv7, aarch64, and riscv64 architectures are FreeBSD mirror sites. [...]

New committer: Austin Shafer (ports) [...]

New committer: Alexander Ziaee (doc) [...]

Release Information page. [...]