Still Alive

It has been very quiet on here for the past year and a half, but the site is still live. I recently repatriated it to Canada from a hosting service in the U.S. as I am no longer providing hosting services for clients of my consulting company. That probably will not last much longer either, as I have discovered that since I have converted to a employee from doing contract work, I am no longer willing to give up evenings and weekends any more to take care of client issues.

Of course, this also means that my distraction level has gone down a lot and I’m much more likely to coordinate meetings again. The traditional second Thursday night is still an available night, so a meeting in April would be a good time to attempt CPR on the group. Once the mailing list is active again, I’ll post to it and see if there is still any desire to meet.

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FreeBSD News

Active committers to the project have elected your thirteenth FreeBSD Core Team. For details, refer to the official announcement. [...]

New committer: Osama Abboud (src) [...]

Release Information page. [...]

The 2024 FreeBSD Community Survey Results are now available. [...]

The January to March Status Report is now available with 21 entries. [...]