April Meeting: 2013-04-11

Just a reminder that Thursday next week is the March meeting.

As a quick followup to last month, I managed to get the raspberry pi (RPi) to boot BSD after, so there has been success there.

I also managed to get the RPi to do the multi boot thing as well, so the next thing to try is to see if I can get it to boot FreeBSD as part of the menu system. One of the interesting things is that it can store images and boot from an external USB device, both HDD and USB stick. This allows for some extra flexibility, and maybe allow for a multi boot of BSD versions. Either way, there is a lot to things one can do with an RPi.

I saw a post from last week about using it as an agent for remote monitoring. There is a company exploring it as a product line and I see value in that. It is a very cheap to deploy network monitor for an external monitoring service. That has great potential for the SMB market, either with the offering or rolling your own. I know that xBSD is used for router implementations and secure web servers, etc. and I was wondering if there a BSD based monitoring appliance out there yet?

This could be a useful topic. I don’t see why we don’t have a BSD distribution based monitoring appliance. The tools are there and perhaps one exists and I don’t see it hiding in the plethora of Linux based offerings.

Other topics are welcome, come out and offer a topic or opinion.

For anyone new who does not know the rest of us, look for the table that either has a BSD daemon on the table of a set of BSD daemon horns. If I can find the stuffed daemon, I’ll use that. If not, there will be a small pile of DVDs and a few sets of horns on the table.

Don’t forget that BSDCan 2013 is in May at the university of Ottawa. This is the 10th BSDCan, so expect some event to commemorate it.

If you require directions, visit the website for the location https://ocbug.ca if you need to find out where.

Comments are closed.

FreeBSD News

Release Information page. [...]

The third Release Candidate build for the FreeBSD 13.4 release cycle is now available. ISO images for the amd64, i386, powerpc, powerpc64, powerpc64le, powerpcspe, armv6, armv7, aarch64, and riscv64 architectures are FreeBSD mirror sites. [...]

The second Release Candidate build for the FreeBSD 13.4 release cycle is now available. ISO images for the amd64, i386, powerpc, powerpc64, powerpc64le, powerpcspe, armv6, armv7, aarch64, and riscv64 architectures are FreeBSD mirror sites. [...]

The first Release Candidate build for the FreeBSD 13.4 release cycle is now available. ISO images for the amd64, i386, powerpc, powerpc64, powerpc64le, powerpcspe, armv6, armv7, aarch64, and riscv64 architectures are FreeBSD mirror sites. [...]

New committer: Igor Ostapenko (src) [...]