September Meeting just passed…

Due to a miscalculation, I was off by a week in my reminder post to the mailing list and didn’t even update this site. We had the meeting Wednesday, September 15, 2010.

The next meeting should be: Wednesday, October 20, 2010.

Don’t forget to sign up for the new mailing list at (The Ottawa-Canada BSD User Group). If you haven’t been watching the list, you may be unaware that the concentration here has been BSD for so long that we may as well re-brand as OCBUG and move on. This site will be sporadically updated and the mailing list content will be archived at OCBUG as well.

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FreeBSD News

Active committers to the project have elected your thirteenth FreeBSD Core Team. For details, refer to the official announcement. [...]

New committer: Osama Abboud (src) [...]

Release Information page. [...]

The 2024 FreeBSD Community Survey Results are now available. [...]

The January to March Status Report is now available with 21 entries. [...]