Meetings for 2015: January, April, July and October

Meetings for 2015 will be in January, April, July and October. If anyone has a great topic and wants to schedule a meeting in between, feel free to send an email to the mailing list and I’m sure we can make it happen.

This is in response to the dwindling number of people who have been attending meetings over the past year and rather than try to get people out every month, I’ll try for once a quarter. If this doesn’t help, I’ll combine the BSD group with another group and see if we get a little more activity that way. Comments are welcome.

In general, attendance has been down for a number of groups, not just locally, so rather than let it die on the vine, I’d rather spread it out a bit and see if we can keep some life here. Who knows, maybe we will have a revitalization in the future. Moving it may also help and I am considering that as well. Perhaps people don’t want to meet in a pizza restaurant? Perhaps something of a more hands-on approach will work. Again, comments welcome.

One Response to “Meetings for 2015: January, April, July and October”

  • scott5:

    At least two of us have a conflict on Thursday, so I’m already looking at punting the meeting to February. Feel free to comment. I will be sending to the mailing list as well. Assuming nobody comments, February looks like the next meeting.

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