April Meeting: 2015-04-09

It is time for the quarterly meeting. While there are no topics bubbling to the top, feel free to bring questions, ideas, hardware, etc.

Hopefully you have looked at the schedule for BSDCan this year. There are quite a few interesting talks scheduled. One such talk, if you ever used Minix, is a talk on a reimplementation of NetBSD using a MicroKernel by Andy Tanenbaum. Check out the schedule and remember that BSDCan is in June this year.

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FreeBSD News

Active committers to the project have elected your thirteenth FreeBSD Core Team. For details, refer to the official announcement. [...]

New committer: Osama Abboud (src) [...]

Release Information page. [...]

The 2024 FreeBSD Community Survey Results are now available. [...]

The January to March Status Report is now available with 21 entries. [...]